University of Waterloo - A Photo A Day

University of Waterloo - A Photo A Day

Starting today, my goal is to bring to you one prominent building or feature a day in and around the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. The university is about fifty years old but a new building's put up almost every two years. Right now, we have four major buildings in the workings which we expect to see completed by 2009.

I think the scenes I've captured are really what caught my attention the first time I laid foot here last September.

I guess this might be most useful to you if you're a grade twelver looking for University options: Perhaps I could cast a visual impression upon you with these images. But if you're not a grade twelver, I hope you enjoy the University's scenic beauty nonetheless.

And if you're a Waterloo student yourself, well then, what do I say. This gives you an opportunity to view the campus from someone else's perspective for a change.

We've already seen two buildings so far: Mathematics & Computing (MC), and Davis Center (DC).

Tomorrow, we shall start with the most prominent building visible from almost anywhere on the campus: The Dana Porter Library.