The Serious Man

The Serious Man

I was feeling particularly photographic today. I started playing around with my camera as usual when I accidentally clicked the shoot button on my laptop. That surprised me because I didn't hear the shutter. So I look right into the aperture, wondering if my camera had gone bust, and lo-and-behold, just a few seconds later, I heard a gear in motion and a shutter opening and closing like a deep cave in the woods.

Only then did I realize that there was a five-second delayed-shoot setting that had been saved from last time.

Not the most photogenic faces of all time, I must admit.


FileName 20061228.jpg
DateTime 2006:12:28 22:06:55
MimeType image/jpeg
Orientation 1
ExposureTime 1/4
ExposureProgram 4
ISOSpeedRatings 100
ShutterSpeedValue 131072/65536
ApertureValue 284416/65536
ExposureBiasValue 0/2
MeteringMode 5
Flash 16
FocalLength 30/1
ExposureMode 0
WhiteBalance 1
SceneCaptureType 0
ApertureFNumber f/4.5