The Dana Porter Library

The Dana Porter Library

This photo is part of a daily series known as The University of Waterloo - A Photo A Day.

The Dana Porter (DP) Library is situated right in the center of the campus. So centered that it is visible from almost every single angle around the university grounds.

The library is only one of two main libraries on campus. In reality though (and this is a fact not known even by some fourth years), there are eight campus libraries in all. DP holds material mostly related to humanities, social sciences and literature. So if you were looking for 18th century Russian literature on traditional scientific societies, DP would be the place.

DP is a ten-floor monolith that very much resembles much of the 1970's architectural style: a match-box. I personally love my small little corner on the tenth floor: it's so quiet you could hear a pin drop. All floors are equipped with very powerful wireless signal and there's a coffee shop on the 1st floor if you wanted to grab a quick bite or two.

DP's online catalog system (WATCAT) is pretty cool as well. I can use it to get books from the University of Guelph as well as Wilfred Laurier.


FileName 20061014.jpg
DateTime 2006:10:07 12:07:21
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